Friday, December 14, 2012

Train Driver Smokes While Driving the Train

JR West train driver smoked a cigarette while driving the train… Passengers complained about the smell

JR West railways announced on the 13th that a 55 year old male train driver with the Osaka Branch, Nara division smoked a cigarette while driving the Osaka loop line train.

Once the driver admitted that he “couldn’t be patient,” and acknowledged smoking in the past, JR West confirmed the details and punished him.

According to the announcement, the incident occurred on the 12th – the train left Tennoji station at 6:32pm (about 200 passengers onboard) and from Morinomiya, the driver smoked one cigarette in the Driver’s room for about 4 minutes.

When the passengers who noticed the smell disembarked at Shinimamiya station notified station staff, the incident came to light. According to the JR West employee’s manual, smoking while on the job is prohibited. “More than safety, it’s problematic behavior, so we sincerely apologize.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ken Watanabe: Paragon of Cool

Ken Watanabe: Japan’s Only Tall Hollywood Actor 

When Japanese men are asked, “who is the coolest celebrity?” the only name that is given first and foremost is Ken Watanabe. As he is a genuine Hollywood star, we conducted a Q&A with this opinion leader about “cool men.”

Q: What is the number one rule for cool men?
A: Start each day by deciding for yourself.

Are there any men you admire?

Aren’t us actors similar to chameleons? So, even if there are wonderful older actors, I think that I absolutely won’t become them. Even for myself, I am different. I can’t live without being different for myself. I think that I’m already not used to that, and the times are different, so.

What about, say, Yujiro Ishihara and Ken Takakura, are there any cool actors from the past that anyone can recognize?

That’s a good question. I can remember the director Kei Kumai from the past, but since movies have been in color there haven’t been any stars. It’s just one thing, but it’s because the “mysterious part” has disappeared. Even with the media’s treatment, it’s like that.

For example, it’s a story but, speaking of the thing, I think that things with basic functions are beautiful. Efficient things without decoration. Things that are extremely simple but functional are very beautiful, and I feel like I want to use them, but first and foremost I’m interested in them.  If seen from this way, I believe that men should be like this. 

What do you mean by “things”?

 It can be things like cars or stationary, or various kinds of machines. For example, things like a coffee maker, if it is extremely simple and functional, then it is good. It doesn't need anything like strange timers. And, as much as possible not cool down, not make it boil, things like that. I’m just a human being so I want to be like that.

Now, you have a wristwatch with two simple hands.

Yep. I don’t have any decorative things. In any case I can still tell the time. With simplicity— this is my small insistence, the one feeling that I like. 

So, what does Mr. Watanabe think is the number one rule for cool men?

My son is now 16 years old, but in speaking to him, it is that he wakes up by himself. In other words, it’s that he opens the curtains of his day by himself. This is determination. Having volition is something I want for him as soon as possible, I believe. When I was 16, I think I lived without truly thinking, but, there were things I wanted to do. At that time I played the horn, and all I wanted was to play it properly. Wasn’t that a thing I wanted to do? By this I mean, I want my son to have volition. Of course, aren’t people who move with determination cool?

Are there any other rules you’ve decided for yourself beyond beginning each day by yourself?

Something I learned from a senior member of my first theater troupe is something that is still with me even now. This member said, “Absolutely, arrive at the spot 15 minutes early.” He said this becomes an advantage. It’s because you can calm your spirit. You can get the place’s atmosphere, the style of the building, understand things like that, if you have 15 minutes to properly take it all in yourself, so of course I must arrive 15 minutes early. 

Even today too, you arrived one hour early…

Ha. It’s become my style. Waiting with complete calmness. If you can only enter at the last minute, the performance decreases.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Perfume - "Unnatural Girl" (Fushizenna Girl)

**Lines in italics were already in English

Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t be puzzled by anything else
Stop a moment. I can’t stop loving you
It’s already much too late
Can’t stop feeling. Loving you

I will certainly find you walking on this rainy day
If you suddenly put away your umbrella, won't you please be careful?
I need to talk with you so I sent you a message
I have a real question but you just can’t hear it

Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t be worried about anything else
Stop a moment. I can’t stop loving you
I want to take it slow
Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t confuse me anymore
Stop a moment. I can't stop loving you
It’s already much too late
Can't stop feeling. Loving you

This rainy day is simply so dark outside my window
Even my mood is surprising, but that’s not bad
For now I’ll put on makeup and wait for your message
Of course I’ll wait like this, it’s only an invitation

Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t be worried about anything else
Stop a moment. I can’t stop loving you
I want to take it slow
Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don't confuse me anymore
stop a moment. I can't stop loving you
It’s already much too late

I need to talk with you so I sent you a message
I have a real question but you just can’t hear it

Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t be worried about anything else
Stop a moment. I can’t stop loving you
I want to take it slow
Can’t stop feeling Unnatural girl
Don’t confuse me anymore
stop a moment. I can't stop loving you
It’s already much, much, much, much, much, much too late

can't stop feeling. loving you
Unnatural girl

Friday, September 28, 2012

Typhoon #17

This one was difficult due to a lot of really long sentences, some technical phrases I've never encountered before, and some unclear grammatical tenses (the typhoon is happening now, but in Japan, which is still tomorrow for California). The original is found here via NHK News Web.

Typhoon #17 – Amami region is the storm region

The extremely strong Typhoon #17 has enveloped the Okinawa main island region and the Amami region of Kagoshima prefecture, and is moving north.

A violent wind is blowing on the Okinawa main island, and a maximum instantaneous wind speed of more than 50 meters is being observed.

According to an announcement by the Meteorological Agency, the extremely strong Typhoon #17 will progress on the sea 40 kilometers north-northwest of Naha City at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour on the 29th at 11am. The central air pressure is 930 hectopascals, the center’s maximum wind speed is 45 meters, the maximum instantaneous wind speed is 65 meters, and the storm is blowing at a speed of more than 25 meters as the southeast side of the center is more than 220 kilometers and the northwest side of the center is more than 190 kilometers.

Now, the Okinawa main island region and the Amami region of Kagoshima prefecture have become a storm area. At Kumejima Airport before 10am, a maximum instantaneous wind speed of 55 meters was observed, and in addition, maximum instantaneous wind speeds of 50.4 meters in Naha at 9am and 42.5 meters around 10:30am in Nago City were also observed.

Intermittently, rain is also becoming strong, and at Kumejima Airport until 10am, an extremely violent rain will fall at 55.5 milliliters per hour.

The typhoon is continuing its course getting closer to the Okinawa main island, and is expected to advance northeast to the Amami region of Kagoshima prefecture by evening.

For Okinawa and Amami, a violent wind will blow on the 29th, the maximum wind speed is 45 meters, the maximum instantaneous wind speed is 60 meters, and there is a forecast that the sea will become violent with waves 12 meters tall.

Additionally, along with thunder, an extremely violent rain of more than 50 milliliters per hour will fall, and there is the fear that locally, violent rain of more than 80 milliliters per hour will fall.

Even in the southern region of Kyushu, along with thunder, there is the fear of extremely violent rain, and the amount of rain that will fall by the morning of the 30th is expected to be great in both the Okinawa and Amami regions (300 milliliters) as well as the southern region of Kyushu (230 milliliters).

Now, in order for the tide level to hit the time of the high spring tide, there is a high danger that the Okinawa main island will flood through the evening through the high tide.

Along with strict precautions for increased water in rivers due to the storm and high waves, high tides, and flooding of low lands, the Meteorological Agency is calling for sufficient caution for lightning and tornados as well. 

Senkaku Islands Dispute

This has been in the news a lot recently. Original text is here, from the Daily Yomiuri online, accessed Sept. 28th, 2012.

“It belongs to China” – The Senkaku Problem is a full-page advertisement in Western newspapers

[Washington – Kentaro Nakajima] China’s English-language newspaper China Daily published a full-page advertisement on the 28th in main newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times with the headline “Diaoyu Islands [the Chinese name for Senkaku] Belong to China.”

The advertisement said that the Senkaku Islands have been China’s territory since time immemorial, and that there has been no margin to contest the sovereignty China has been endowed with; the Chinese government expanded this assertion by saying, “‘Nationalization’ according to Japan infringes on China’s sovereignty, and negates the effects of the Second Sino-Japanese War [1937-1945—tr.].”

Ichiro Fujizaki, the Japanese ambassador to the United States, held a press conference on the 28th concerning the publication of the advertisement. He stated, “Accepting one-sided arguments in American newspapers causes misunderstanding,” as well as clarifying his objections to the Washington Post. Each consulate-general protested the publication of the advertisement as well.” 

Japanese Translation

I am re-launching my translation blog project with my return to the United States. I want to maintain my level of Japanese reading comprehension, as well as develop my translating skill.

Let's enjoy reading Japanese news articles! If you see something in Japanese you'd like to read in English, please pass it my way :D